Sunday, May 8, 2011


Welcome to my attempt at travel writing. I hope my grammar and punctuation will be somewhat correct. Every time in the past that I have attempted to travel write, it has just been with a journal, and it stops happening after about the second day. I'm hoping that the beauty of technology will encourage me to buckle down.

I've added a little map at the bottom of this post showing my destinations along the way, some of which may change, but many are non-negotiable.

I've been wanting to take this trip for a few years now, but alas, a teachers salary doesn't give much financial support for elaborate trips (but it does give me the summer off)! Finally after a big tax return, Christmas/Birthday gifts, and months of tutoring before and after school, I can finally do it! I will be spending the end of May packing all of my belongings and putting them into storage. I get to live rent free for two months!

Eastern Europe has been calling my name. I am not exactly sure why. Maybe it's heritage, maybe it's the post-Soviet countries finally being available to the west, who knows...
Countries on the list are:

Some more may be added, as others may be deleted. I will also be visiting Boston and England on this trip. Some of my favorite people live there.

So this is just my actual adventures have begun yet. Real posts will begin at the beginning of June.

If you'd like to keep up with my adventures and photos, click the "follow" button.